Here are some of the comments people have made..

Natasha made me feel listened to and understood in a way I really haven’t before, and she has supported me, with a lot of patience and care, to understand and work through things which have been affecting my mental health and self-confidence for a long time. The way I live my life now is very different from when I started therapy, and I honestly would not be where I am now without her support.
— Client, ongoing therapy
Thank you Natasha, this process helped so, so much
— Client, time-limited therapy
It was a tough thing to start, and took commitment and sacrifices to get the most out of it, and while it is not a “quick fix”, and in fact is an ongoing and probably endless process in some ways, the difference it has made to my life is immeasurable. It´s the best decision I have ever made and the rest of my life looks very different because of it.
— Client, ongoing therapy
Your sensitive and responsive approach has enabled my growth and learning. Thank you so much!
— Supervisee
Natasha, you have a beautiful way of bringing even the most difficult subjects to life.
— Person attending one of my lectures
This was my first experience of counselling and I have found it extremely helpful. Natasha is insightful and understanding and she has helped me understand the difficulties I was having in a deeper and wider context.
— Client, time-limited therapy
To my surprise, my experience of therapy has been entirely positive. Like a lot of other men I suppose I was initially very sceptical. However, very early on during my time with Natasha, I saw the clear value in her style and approach. Without getting into detail, Natasha helped me to fundamentally change the way I dealt with life. I was suffering badly from stress, compounded by various other issues for which I could not see any clear resolution. In less than 3 months, Natasha helped me to release palpable pressures. By encouraging me to transform my own deep-rooted thought processes and default settings, I quickly overcame a variety of challenges I had been dealing with. In short, time spent with Natasha helped me to rediscover who I really wanted to be. To me, life now feels very different. I am immensely grateful to Natasha and can wholeheartedly and unreservedly recommend her therapy.
— Client, time-limited therapy
Your lectures and your playful way of delivering them has made a strong link for my journey. Thank you!
— Student attending lectures
There’s something very liberating about being totally honest and open with someone, Natasha always makes me feel very safe and secure, she has a very reassuring presence and I usually leave our sessions feeling lighter and more hopeful. Whilst talking therapy is not always easy I find it immensely comforting knowing I’m not alone with my problems.
— Client, ongoing therapy
Natasha, I’ve enjoyed your lectures so much. It’s the way you bring it all to life. You have helped me to make sense of really complex concepts, thank you
— Student attending lectures